isee NetSim is the next generation in web-based model sharing. With isee NetSim, you'll quickly and easily publish STELLA and iThink models to the web making them accessible to anyone with a browser.
Main features:
-3-step wizard-based publishing
-Ability to interact with and run models on the web in real-time or Flight Simulator mode
-Input objects include knobs, sliders, switches, buttons, list input devices, and graphical input devices.
-Output objects include graphs, tables, numeric displays, and status indicators
-Storytelling with graphics, movies and text annotations
-Multimedia coaching triggers through "message posting"
-Page navigation and sizing for proper presentation
-Support for Forio Simulate web hosting service with automatic account set-up and creation through the NetSim wizard. Free and premium hosting plans are available.
-Link to view or delete published models
-Simulation sharing via email and social networking web sites
-Support for HTTP Authentication